• Information

    Going back to work after the NICU

    I recently came across a post on social media, where a mother shared her plan about returning to work after coming home from the NICU and asked for advice on what other NICU parents did. The thread that followed completely blew my mind! I couldn’t believe how many parents responded and how similar their stories were to ours. Having a baby in the NICU is life changing, and more often, bringing a baby home from the NICU is also life changing. Some parents bring home babies from the NICU who still require a lot of care. They have to make some serious decisions about who is going to care for…

  • Stories

    Things don’t end in the NICU…

    My daughter was a ROCKSTAR while in the NICU. She exceeded all expectations and was even released before our original due date. After she came home, it was an onslaught of doctors visits. We were going to our pediatrician for regular newborn check-ups but were also seeing other doctors to help monitor her progress. She was getting evaluated quite often. At first, everything was great. She would pass her evaluations with flying colors! Little did I realize it was because she was still being evaluated for her gestational age and not her adjusted age. Finally, when she was old enough, they were able to tell that she was delayed in…